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Large DropDown Scrolling List

Hi There

We have dropdown on ASP page. The problem is we have about 900 items in the
dropdown. Users scrolling through the list have become very frustrated in
the past.

Can someone suggest if there is another way of implement a dropdown where
the datalist is as big as ours.

I am looking for something like a listbox in VB where you can start typing
the characters and the databelow moves accordingly until you have found what
you want.

Is there anything in ASP/HTML to achieve a similar functionality


Jul 19 '05 #1
10 5232
J P Singh wrote:
Hi There

We have dropdown on ASP page. The problem is we have about 900 items
in the dropdown. Users scrolling through the list have become very
frustrated in the past.

Can someone suggest if there is another way of implement a dropdown
where the datalist is as big as ours.

I am looking for something like a listbox in VB where you can start
typing the characters and the databelow moves accordingly until you
have found what you want.

Is there anything in ASP/HTML to achieve a similar functionality

You can do this in client-side code. Go to
http://www.thrasherwebdesign.com/ind...s&hp=links.asp and
download my dynamic listbox demo to see one way of doing it. A Google search
should find you other examples.

Bob Barrows
Jul 19 '05 #2
J P Singh wrote on 19 sep 2003 in
We have dropdown on ASP page. The problem is we have about 900 items
in the dropdown. Users scrolling through the list have become very
frustrated in the past.

Can someone suggest if there is another way of implement a dropdown
where the datalist is as big as ours.

I am looking for something like a listbox in VB where you can start
typing the characters and the databelow moves accordingly until you
have found what you want.

Is there anything in ASP/HTML to achieve a similar functionality

Serverside coding cannot help you here so better ask a clientside
[javascript?] ng.

ASP functionality would make a roundtrip to the server on every keypress.

Clientside VBS only helps the IE users, btw.

The Netherlands.
(Please change the x'es to dots in my emailaddress)
Jul 19 '05 #3
Hello to Bob Barrows,

I went and tried out your ListDemo asp. My proficiency
in asp/vbscript/xml is kind of meager. I got an error
message with your script. I type in server name, ID,
pwrd, and one or two letters to list on and error out. I
placed a bunch of msgbox statements to debug. I can get
between the "1st if" and "2nd If" in sub txtCrit_onkeyup
in your clientside script below. Error message says:

"errorCode = -1072896759
reason=Required white space was missing.

Line =2
linepos = 55
filepos = 56

Is this error in the DTD? Here is your script. It would
be real cool if I could get it to work on my system.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<META name="VI60_DefaultClientScript" Content="VBScript">

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio
<SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersVBS LANGUAGE=vbscript>
dim sCurCrit
dim xmldoc
Sub window_onload
dim f
sUser = txtUser
sPwd = txtPwd
sServer = txtServer
if screen.availWidth > 800 then
end if
set xmldoc = nothing
End Sub

Sub txtCrit_onkeyup
dim sOptions, sKey, sCrit, oOption, oNodes,xmlFilt,

msgbox "entering txtCrit" 'my first error trap

'I have this set to retrieve data when there's a single
character entered.
'With 6000 rows, you may want to increase this to two

sKey = chr(window.event.keyCode)

msgbox "1st if and len of sCrit is " & len(sCrit) & "
and sKey is " & sKey 'my second error trap

if len(sCrit) > 1 then 'change to 2 for 6000 rows
'check to see if someone hit 2 letters so close
together that the elseif code
'never had a chance to execute and create xmlDoc

msgbox "2nd if" 'third error trap
if not xmlDoc is nothing then
set xmlFilt = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'The following can be replaced by an xslt
transformation if you are so inclined
set xmlFilt.documentelement = xmlFilt.createelement
iCritLength = len(sCrit)
for each oNode in xmldoc.documentelement.childnodes
if left(oNode.getattribute
("customerid"),iCritLength) = ucase(sCrit) then
end if
msgbox "xmlFilt"
fillList xmlFilt
set xmlFilt = nothing
sCurCrit = sCrit
set xmldoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
if RetrieveData(sCurCrit,xmldoc) then
msgbox "xmldoc1"
end if
end if
elseif len(sCrit) > 0 then 'change to 1 for 6000 rows
if sCrit <> sCurCrit then
sCurCrit = sCrit
if RetrieveData(sCurCrit,xmldoc) then
msgbox "xmldoc2"
end if
msgbox "xmldoc3"
fillList xmldoc
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub ClearList
End Sub

Sub fillList(pxmlDoc)
'you could have used a data island and bound the
listbox to it, but
'I chose to do it this way
dim oNode
for each oNode in pxmlDoc.documentelement.childnodes
set oOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
oOption.value = oNode.GetAttribute("orderid")
oOption.text = oNode.GetAttribute("customerid") & _
" - " & oNode.GetAttribute("orderid")
lstTitles.options.add oOption
end sub

Function RetrieveData(psCrit, pxmlDoc)
dim oHTTP,xPE,bStatus, sUrl
RetrieveData = true
set oHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
set pxmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
sUrl = "ListDemo_server.asp?P1=" & pscrit & "&User=" &
txtUser.value & _
"&Server=" & txtServer.value & "&PWD=" & txtPwd.value

oHTTP.open "GET",sUrl, false
bStatus= pxmlDoc.loadXML(oHTTP.responsetext )
if bStatus = false then
Set xPE = pxmlDoc.parseError
strMessage = "errorCode = " & xPE.errorCode & vbCrLf
strMessage = strMessage & "reason = " & xPE.reason &
strMessage = strMessage & "Line = " & xPE.Line &
strMessage = strMessage & "linepos = " & xPE.linepos &
strMessage = strMessage & "filepos = " & xPE.filepos &
strMessage = strMessage & "srcText = " & xPE.srcText &
set xPE = nothing
MsgBox strMessage,,"Retrieving Data"
end if
set oHTTP = nothing
end function
<BODY bgColor=lightgrey topMargin=2 leftMargin=2>
<DIV id=elHeading><STRONG><FONT color=blue face=Verdana
style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: thin">
Orders Maintenance </FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<TABLE id=tblMain cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="75%"
<CAPTION>This demo uses the Orders table in the Northwind
<TD>SQL Server Name: <INPUT id=txtServer></TD>
<TD> User Name <INPUT id=txtUser></TD>
<TD> Password <INPUT id=txtPwd></TD>
<TD>Enter the first few letters of the last name of
the customer id whose data
you wish to view or edit:<BR><INPUT id=txtCrit
<TD colspan=2><SELECT id=lstTitles style="VISIBILITY:
hidden; WIDTH: 252px"

Thanks for sharing your script.
-----Original Message-----
J P Singh wrote:
Hi There

We have dropdown on ASP page. The problem is we have about 900 items in the dropdown. Users scrolling through the list have become very frustrated in the past.

Can someone suggest if there is another way of implement a dropdown where the datalist is as big as ours.

I am looking for something like a listbox in VB where you can start typing the characters and the databelow moves accordingly until you have found what you want.

Is there anything in ASP/HTML to achieve a similar functionalityYou can do this in client-side code. Go to

pi=links&hp=links.asp anddownload my dynamic listbox demo to see one way of doing it. A Google searchshould find you other examples.

Bob Barrows

Jul 19 '05 #4
The only way I was able to reproduce your error was by deliberately
imputting some faulty connection data, that caused the connection to SQL
Server to fail. In a real application, I would have put in some
error-handling to take care of this, but since this was a quick demo, I did
not bother.

Where the error-handling has to take place is in the listdemo_server.asp
page <I've snipped some stuff>:

Response.Expires = 0

Dim cnSQL, sConnect
Dim sError

dim sUser,sPwd,sServer,sCriteria

sUser = Request.QueryString("User")
sPwd = Request.QueryString("PWD")
sServer = Request.QueryString("Server")
sConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=" & sPwd & ";Persist Security
Info=False;User ID=" & sUser & " ;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Data Source=" &
sServer & ";Application Name=ListDemo"
sCriteria = Request.QueryString("P1")
if len(sCriteria) = 0 then sCriteria= "TR"
set cnSQL = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
On Error Resume Next
if err <> 0 then
sError="<error msg=""Connection to SQL Server failed."" errdesc=""" & _
Err.Description & """ connectstring=""" & sConnect & _
""" />"
Response.Write sError
end if
On Error GoTo 0

Then, in the RetrieveData function, after the bStatus if statement:

set oErrNode = nothing
set oErrNode = pxmlDoc.selectsinglenode("/error")
if not oErrNode is nothing then
RetrieveData = false
MsgBox oErrNode.getattribute("msg") & vbCrLf & _
oErrNode.getattribute("errdesc") & _
vbCrLf & _
"The connection string was: " & _
vbCrLf & _
end if
set oErrNode = nothing
And in the txtCrit_onkeyup sub, there are two places where Retrievedata is
called. You should make them look like this:
if RetrieveData(sCurCrit,xmldoc) then
txtCrit.value = ""
sCurCrit = ""
end if

Bob Barrows

Rich wrote:
Hello to Bob Barrows,

I went and tried out your ListDemo asp. My proficiency
in asp/vbscript/xml is kind of meager. I got an error
message with your script. I type in server name, ID,
pwrd, and one or two letters to list on and error out. I
placed a bunch of msgbox statements to debug. I can get
between the "1st if" and "2nd If" in sub txtCrit_onkeyup
in your clientside script below. Error message says:

"errorCode = -1072896759
reason=Required white space was missing.

Line =2
linepos = 55
filepos = 56

Is this error in the DTD? Here is your script. It would
be real cool if I could get it to work on my system.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<META name="VI60_DefaultClientScript" Content="VBScript">

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio
<SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersVBS LANGUAGE=vbscript>
dim sCurCrit
dim xmldoc
Sub window_onload
dim f
sUser = txtUser
sPwd = txtPwd
sServer = txtServer
if screen.availWidth > 800 then
end if
set xmldoc = nothing
End Sub

Sub txtCrit_onkeyup
dim sOptions, sKey, sCrit, oOption, oNodes,xmlFilt,

msgbox "entering txtCrit" 'my first error trap

'I have this set to retrieve data when there's a single
character entered.
'With 6000 rows, you may want to increase this to two

sKey = chr(window.event.keyCode)

msgbox "1st if and len of sCrit is " & len(sCrit) & "
and sKey is " & sKey 'my second error trap

if len(sCrit) > 1 then 'change to 2 for 6000 rows
'check to see if someone hit 2 letters so close
together that the elseif code
'never had a chance to execute and create xmlDoc

msgbox "2nd if" 'third error trap
if not xmlDoc is nothing then
set xmlFilt = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'The following can be replaced by an xslt
transformation if you are so inclined
set xmlFilt.documentelement = xmlFilt.createelement
iCritLength = len(sCrit)
for each oNode in xmldoc.documentelement.childnodes
if left(oNode.getattribute
("customerid"),iCritLength) = ucase(sCrit) then
end if
msgbox "xmlFilt"
fillList xmlFilt
set xmlFilt = nothing
sCurCrit = sCrit
set xmldoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
if RetrieveData(sCurCrit,xmldoc) then
msgbox "xmldoc1"
end if
end if
elseif len(sCrit) > 0 then 'change to 1 for 6000 rows
if sCrit <> sCurCrit then
sCurCrit = sCrit
if RetrieveData(sCurCrit,xmldoc) then
msgbox "xmldoc2"
end if
msgbox "xmldoc3"
fillList xmldoc
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub ClearList
End Sub

Sub fillList(pxmlDoc)
'you could have used a data island and bound the
listbox to it, but
'I chose to do it this way
dim oNode
for each oNode in pxmlDoc.documentelement.childnodes
set oOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
oOption.value = oNode.GetAttribute("orderid")
oOption.text = oNode.GetAttribute("customerid") & _
" - " & oNode.GetAttribute("orderid")
lstTitles.options.add oOption
end sub

Function RetrieveData(psCrit, pxmlDoc)
dim oHTTP,xPE,bStatus, sUrl
RetrieveData = true
set oHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
set pxmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
sUrl = "ListDemo_server.asp?P1=" & pscrit & "&User=" &
txtUser.value & _
"&Server=" & txtServer.value & "&PWD=" & txtPwd.value

oHTTP.open "GET",sUrl, false
bStatus= pxmlDoc.loadXML(oHTTP.responsetext )
if bStatus = false then
Set xPE = pxmlDoc.parseError
strMessage = "errorCode = " & xPE.errorCode & vbCrLf
strMessage = strMessage & "reason = " & xPE.reason &
strMessage = strMessage & "Line = " & xPE.Line &
strMessage = strMessage & "linepos = " & xPE.linepos &
strMessage = strMessage & "filepos = " & xPE.filepos &
strMessage = strMessage & "srcText = " & xPE.srcText &
set xPE = nothing
MsgBox strMessage,,"Retrieving Data"
end if
set oHTTP = nothing
end function
<BODY bgColor=lightgrey topMargin=2 leftMargin=2>
<DIV id=elHeading><STRONG><FONT color=blue face=Verdana
style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: thin">
Orders Maintenance </FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<TABLE id=tblMain cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="75%"
<CAPTION>This demo uses the Orders table in the Northwind
<TD>SQL Server Name: <INPUT id=txtServer></TD>
<TD> User Name <INPUT id=txtUser></TD>
<TD> Password <INPUT id=txtPwd></TD>
<TD>Enter the first few letters of the last name of
the customer id whose data
you wish to view or edit:<BR><INPUT id=txtCrit
<TD colspan=2><SELECT id=lstTitles style="VISIBILITY:
hidden; WIDTH: 252px"

Thanks for sharing your script.

Jul 19 '05 #5
Thanks for responding to my question about your listdemo (thanks for
sharing that code). I will try to implement your error handling on
Monday (don't have the server available to me at home). I will respond
back with the results.



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Jul 19 '05 #6
I made the changes per your suggestions in listdemo_server.asp and
listdemo_client.asp. I don't error out now, and I make it all the way
to Sub fillList(pxmlDoc). But I never make it inside the for loop in
txtCrit_onkeyup or the forloop in fillList. Note: using IE6.0.2800

'*******begin code snipet
Sub txtCrit_onkeyup
if not xmlDoc is nothing then
set xmlFilt = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'The following can be replaced by an xslt
'transformation if you are so inclined
set xmlFilt.documentelement = xmlFilt.createelement("rows")
iCritLength = len(sCrit)

'***begin for loop

for each oNode in xmldoc.documentelement.childnodes
if left(oNode.getattribute("customerid"),iCritLength) = ucase(sCrit)
xmlFilt.documentelement.appendchild oNode.Clonenode(false)
end if
msgbox "inside oNode for loop" 'just checking if I'm in
next 'for loop - nope!

'***out of for loop

fillList xmlFilt 'xmlFilt has nothing
set xmlFilt = nothing
sCurCrit = sCrit

'********end of code snipet

I enter this data on the clientside page:

SqlSrvName cnfrkccmc001
username SA
Password ""
Enter first fiew letters... vi for customer Id vinet.

Do I need to configure anything on IE? I thank you for trying to help
me make your app work on my system. I have made a little progress, just
not quite there. It just seems like a real cool piece of coding.


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Jul 19 '05 #7
I can't troubleshoot this on your machine from here. I've never seen this
code fail so I have no idea what could be going wrong.

There has to be a reason it's not getting into the For loop. You should try
displaying the xmldoc's xml using:

msgbox xmldoc.xml

to make sure it contains some data.
Bob Barrows

Rich P wrote:
I made the changes per your suggestions in listdemo_server.asp and
listdemo_client.asp. I don't error out now, and I make it all the way
to Sub fillList(pxmlDoc). But I never make it inside the for loop in
txtCrit_onkeyup or the forloop in fillList. Note: using IE6.0.2800

'*******begin code snipet
Sub txtCrit_onkeyup
if not xmlDoc is nothing then
set xmlFilt = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'The following can be replaced by an xslt
'transformation if you are so inclined
set xmlFilt.documentelement = xmlFilt.createelement("rows")
iCritLength = len(sCrit)

'***begin for loop

for each oNode in xmldoc.documentelement.childnodes
if left(oNode.getattribute("customerid"),iCritLength) = ucase(sCrit)
xmlFilt.documentelement.appendchild oNode.Clonenode(false)
end if
msgbox "inside oNode for loop" 'just checking if I'm in
next 'for loop - nope!

'***out of for loop

fillList xmlFilt 'xmlFilt has nothing
set xmlFilt = nothing
sCurCrit = sCrit

'********end of code snipet

I enter this data on the clientside page:

SqlSrvName cnfrkccmc001
username SA
Password ""
Enter first fiew letters... vi for customer Id vinet.

Do I need to configure anything on IE? I thank you for trying to help
me make your app work on my system. I have made a little progress,
just not quite there. It just seems like a real cool piece of coding.


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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

Jul 19 '05 #8
msgbox xmldoc.xml returns null. I planted one in Retreive Data, in
txtCrit_onKeyup, fillList. All empty

I was looking at the server side code after I posted my last post and
noticed that you appear to be setting some default password if
len(sPwrd)=0. So I commented that out, and then I got the original
error message again, but now I have some more detail on that.

'***********server side snipet

sUser = Request.QueryString("User")
if len(sUser) = 0 then sUser = "vbact"
sPwd = Request.QueryString("PWD")
'if len(sPwd) = 0 then sPwd="tcabv"
sServer = Request.QueryString("Server")
if len(sServer) = 0 then sServer = "CLNSQLDEV7"
sConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=" & sPwd & ";Persist Security
Info=False;User ID=" & sUser & " ;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Data
Source=" & sServer & ";Application Name=ListDemo"
sCriteria = Request.QueryString("P1")
if len(sCriteria) = 0 then sCriteria= "TR"

'**********end serverside snipet

The error is occuring at
Function RetrieveData(psCrit, pxmlDoc)
strMessage = "errorCode = " & xPE.errorCode & vbCrLf
set xPE = nothing
MsgBox strMessage,,"Retrieving Data"
msgbox "after strMessage" '<-----my message box
'<---I get to this one

I fiddled with sPwrd on the server side. If len(sPwrd)>0 then I get an
error message that the SqlSrv connection failed. I have Northwind set to
SA and no password. If I comment out the 'If len(sPwrd) = 0 part then I
get the original error message that I am missing some white space ...
That error occurs in Retrieve Data function. Well, I added an account
to Northwind user shmo, pwrd shmo. Still getting the original error. I
also slapped together a quicky asp to list customerID from Orders to see
if I connect OK to SqlSrv/Northwind. Yeah, worked fine. Here is the
connection string I used in my asp:

oConn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=cnFRKccmc001;Initial

I tried substituting that in your server side code. Did not make a
difference. Still get same error. Also tried shmo, shmo. same deal.

Yeah, so for me it is always some data entry person that has some
configuration or has entered some combination of data that I have not
accounted for which causes an error. Sorry bout that.

Hope I gave you enough info to see what my problem is without having to
physically be here. Did I mention I am also inside a firewall on a
local intranet, would that make a difference?

I never thought about it, but I am in the same boat of JP (original
poster) where I create a static list from a loop and populate a list

I can't troubleshoot this on your machine from here. I've never seen
code fail so I have no idea what could be going wrong.

There has to be a reason it's not getting into the For loop. You should
displaying the xmldoc's xml using:

msgbox xmldoc.xml

to make sure it contains some data.

Bob Barrows

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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Jul 19 '05 #9
1. It's a bad idea not to assign a password to the SA account. This is how
the Code Red worm was able to spread. Always assign a password for SA, no
matter where the SQL Server or MSDE is installed.

2. Looking at this statement:
oConn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=cnFRKccmc001;Initial
This looks like a jscript statement. It should look like this in vbscript:
oConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=cnFRKccmc001;" & _
"Initial Catalog=Northwind;UID=SA;PWD="

Again, you should assign a password to SA.

Bob Barrows
Rich P wrote: msgbox xmldoc.xml returns null. I planted one in Retreive Data, in
txtCrit_onKeyup, fillList. All empty

I was looking at the server side code after I posted my last post and
noticed that you appear to be setting some default password if
len(sPwrd)=0. So I commented that out, and then I got the original
error message again, but now I have some more detail on that.

'***********server side snipet

sUser = Request.QueryString("User")
if len(sUser) = 0 then sUser = "vbact"
sPwd = Request.QueryString("PWD")
'if len(sPwd) = 0 then sPwd="tcabv"
sServer = Request.QueryString("Server")
if len(sServer) = 0 then sServer = "CLNSQLDEV7"
sConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=" & sPwd & ";Persist Security
Info=False;User ID=" & sUser & " ;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Data
Source=" & sServer & ";Application Name=ListDemo"
sCriteria = Request.QueryString("P1")
if len(sCriteria) = 0 then sCriteria= "TR"

'**********end serverside snipet

The error is occuring at
Function RetrieveData(psCrit, pxmlDoc)
strMessage = "errorCode = " & xPE.errorCode & vbCrLf
set xPE = nothing
MsgBox strMessage,,"Retrieving Data"
msgbox "after strMessage" '<-----my message box
'<---I get to this one

I fiddled with sPwrd on the server side. If len(sPwrd)>0 then I get
an error message that the SqlSrv connection failed. I have Northwind
set to SA and no password. If I comment out the 'If len(sPwrd) = 0
part then I get the original error message that I am missing some
white space ... That error occurs in Retrieve Data function. Well, I
added an account to Northwind user shmo, pwrd shmo. Still getting
the original error. I also slapped together a quicky asp to list
customerID from Orders to see if I connect OK to SqlSrv/Northwind.
Yeah, worked fine. Here is the connection string I used in my asp:

oConn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=cnFRKccmc001;Initial

I tried substituting that in your server side code. Did not make a
difference. Still get same error. Also tried shmo, shmo. same deal.

Yeah, so for me it is always some data entry person that has some
configuration or has entered some combination of data that I have not
accounted for which causes an error. Sorry bout that.

Hope I gave you enough info to see what my problem is without having
to physically be here. Did I mention I am also inside a firewall on a
local intranet, would that make a difference?

I never thought about it, but I am in the same boat of JP (original
poster) where I create a static list from a loop and populate a list

I can't troubleshoot this on your machine from here. I've never seen
code fail so I have no idea what could be going wrong.

There has to be a reason it's not getting into the For loop. You
should try
displaying the xmldoc's xml using:

msgbox xmldoc.xml

to make sure it contains some data.

Bob Barrows

*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

Jul 19 '05 #10
See inline:

Rich P wrote:
msgbox xmldoc.xml returns null. I planted one in Retreive Data, in
txtCrit_onKeyup, fillList. All empty

I was looking at the server side code after I posted my last post and
noticed that you appear to be setting some default password if
len(sPwrd)=0. So I commented that out, and then I got the original
error message again, but now I have some more detail on that.

'***********server side snipet

sUser = Request.QueryString("User")
if len(sUser) = 0 then sUser = "vbact"
sPwd = Request.QueryString("PWD")
'if len(sPwd) = 0 then sPwd="tcabv"
sServer = Request.QueryString("Server")
if len(sServer) = 0 then sServer = "CLNSQLDEV7"
You should change these defaults to match your situation.

I fiddled with sPwrd on the server side. If len(sPwrd)>0 then I get
an error message that the SqlSrv connection failed. I have Northwind
set to SA and no password. If I comment out the 'If len(sPwrd) = 0
part then I get the original error message that I am missing some
white space ... That error occurs in Retrieve Data function. Well, I
added an account to Northwind user shmo, pwrd shmo.

Did you grant that user rights to the table in Northwind that is being

Bob Barrows
Jul 19 '05 #11

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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Hi, Is there a way to have a "Auto Complete" textbox or a "editable" dropdown? Here is my problem. I have a screen that need to have a list of 800+ employees. To be a dropdown, that could be a...
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Hi, If on an asp.net page the user has just selected a value in a dropdownlist and scrolls with the wheel of his mouse, the selected value of the dropdownlist will change. How could I avoid...
by: Paul W | last post by:
Hi - I'm developing a 'front-desk' app. to be used over the internet. (SQL-Server back-end). One of the pages will require the user to select an entry from a large (~4000) list of 'member...
by: Kassad | last post by:
Two questions: 1. There is a dropdown box that has a whole bunch of values but it is not linked to a recordsource. I believe when this object was created the values were manually enterred but I...
by: Lit | last post by:
Hello, I need to create an Internet based, asp.net webform where a user can select multiple cities in a state. as you know the number of cities in a state can be very large. What is the...
by: ARC | last post by:
I'm testing a user's db that contains a very large number of records. I have an invoice screen, with an invoice select dropdown box that shows all invoices, and the customer's name, etc. With...
by: arial | last post by:
Hi all, Here I need a help from you experts again. I have drop down list in my asp.net web form. My drop down list is pretty good size big and now users are complainning about scrolling down to...
by: zion4ever | last post by:
Hello good people, Please bear with me as this is my first post and I am relative new to ASP. I do have VB6 experience. I have a form which enables users within our company to do an intranet...
by: Oralloy | last post by:
Hello folks, I am unable to find appropriate documentation on the type promotion of bit-fields when using the generalised comparison operator "<=>". The problem is that using the GNU compilers,...
by: jinu1996 | last post by:
In today's digital age, having a compelling online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. At the heart of this digital strategy lies an intricately woven...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Overview: Windows 11 and 10 have less user interface control over operating system update behaviour than previous versions of Windows. In Windows 11 and 10, there is no way to turn off the Windows...
by: tracyyun | last post by:
Dear forum friends, With the development of smart home technology, a variety of wireless communication protocols have appeared on the market, such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Each...
by: isladogs | last post by:
The next Access Europe User Group meeting will be on Wednesday 1 May 2024 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing by 19:30 (7.30PM). In this session, we are pleased to welcome a new...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The...
by: 6302768590 | last post by:
Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated ...
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence...

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